Making Life Choices

We make plans for our lives, charting out how to spend our time either productively or socially. Before I left the UK, over two weeks ago, I thought that I had a plan for my new life here in Asia. It proved to be an illusion. Unworkable. Consequently, I have had to rethink matters. I have to go back to work again as I need to both generate an income and be productive. My problem (without being big-headed about it) is that I am capable of doing quite a few things which, unfort unately, creates multiple dilemmas. I have had to sit down and think straight, setting down priorities and working out what is both achievable and in alignment with my future goals. What is it going to be? Fortuneteller, spiritual mentor, life coach, writer, digital nomad or jack of all trades but master of none? Today, I have settled on one course of action. I have gone back into my past, reactivated both a dormant learned skill to produce a future income stream ... That is the beauty of life...