Intention? There Is No Try! Do!

It became crystal clear that if you want to manifest anything in your life that there is one important thing you have to do. 

You have to focus on the question and then 'ask'.

This is the power of intention.

Ask to be shown the bigger picture and then, as the power of synchronicity kicks in, situations, events and people will start to appear to give you the direction and information that you are seeking through conscious intention, reflective meditation or even more formal prayer.

At various times of the quest that followed the asking of the question, I have probably employed all three practices in order to aid the process. There is nothing unusual about this as you will find if you merely browse through any book store as it is a practice that is reflected in the great eastern religions through to new age thinking, the law of attraction and The Secret.

Your intention unlocks the power of synchronicity – meaningful coincidence - which governs all of our lives whether we are aware of that power or not but don’t take my word for it.

Carl Jung the famous pioneering psychologist invented the word and discovered the liberating power of being guided on our life purpose.


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