My Personal Journey

I have decided that it is time that I wrote up my personal journey. Even if it is only myself that reads it then I feel that committing these words to the ether will only have beneficial effects for those who I share these thoughts with.

Today I am sitting in the library of the condo where I live in Bangkok. The last six months have been a roller coaster ride of emotions and events as my new life starts to take shape even though I am facing my 61st birthday, a time when many of my contemporaries will be contemplating retirement or even have joined God's Waiting Room.

This is not to be my destiny. When I have remarked over the years that I will die with my boots on little did I know how true that would turn out to be! Anyway enough for now, I feel better that I have started to commit these words to the Universe as it allows the synchronicity of life to enter and align the energy of my life to my one true desire - to become a counsellor, teacher, and advisor.


  1. And it took me nearly a year to wake up and smell the coffee!

    On my way now ...

  2. Hah! It has taken me until 2014 to get to the point when I am ready!

  3. Here we are in 2017 and after a major cancer illness and homelessness, I am facing a return to my roots. Seven years of pretty intense personal turmoil.


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